UNFOLDING DEADLINE DEAL: four-year, $240 million deal that was offered to Dak Prescott reportedly reflects the team’s confidence in him, but Prescott turned it down due to concerns about the contract’s structure

The four-year, $240 million deal that was offered to Dak Prescott reportedly reflects the team’s confidence in him, but Prescott turned it down due to concerns about the contract’s structure or terms. The specifics of why Prescott declined are not entirely clear, but common reasons could include:

1. **Contract Structure:** Prescott might have been dissatisfied with the distribution of salary or guaranteed money, preferring a different structure that provides more immediate financial security or flexibility.

2. **Team Direction:** Prescott might have had reservations about the team’s long-term strategy or roster moves, feeling that the current situation may not lead to the championship success he is aiming for.

3. **Personal Goals:** Prescott might have wanted to explore other contract terms that align better with his personal or career goals, such as a longer-term deal or a contract that would set him up for further negotiations in the future.

4. **Market Conditions:** The rapidly evolving market for quarterbacks could mean Prescott is holding out for a more lucrative deal that reflects his value compared to other top quarterbacks.

Turning down such a substantial offer indicates Prescott’s confidence in his ability to negotiate a better deal or his commitment to pursuing a championship with the Cowboys under terms he finds more favorable.

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