UNBELIEVABLE: A year ago, a pope kissed a baby on the forehead, and a month later, the parents made a surprising discovery.

Two months ago, Warrington residents Joey and Kristen Masciantonio witnessed what they believe to be a miracle when Pope Francis spontaneously kissed their one-year-old daughter, Gianna, on the head.

Now, after two months, they attribute this gesture to recent scans revealing a significant reduction in Gianna’s tumor.

Gianna was diagnosed with a rare, inoperable brain tumor shortly after birth, with her blood cells attacking her brain stem. Surgery was not an option.

The Masciantonios attended the papal parade at Independence Hall, hoping for a brief glimpse of the Pope, but thanks to a friend from the FBI, they received much more.

“I believe this is all from God, and that the Pope is a divine messenger,” Joey Masciantonio told Eyewitness News.

Domenico Giani, the Pope’s bodyguard, was the one who held Gianna during the encounter. The Masciantonio family sees the shared name “Dominic” with Gianna’s older brother as another sign of divine intervention. Their belief is strengthened by the scans showing a dramatic change.

While the August scan clearly showed the tumor, the November scan revealed barely any trace of it.

“She’s getting better and stronger. She’s blowing kisses and pointing at things,” Kristen Masciantonio shared with Eyewitness News.

Gianna was named after St. Gianna, a modern saint who passed away in 1962. Saint Gianna’s daughter met little Gianna during the papal visit, reinforcing the family’s faith in a hopeful future.

Joey Masciantonio expressed their optimism: “Last year was about honoring her. Now we’re looking forward to living with her.”

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