July 6, 2024

Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson has been tolerating offers and giving visits to potential buyers for his domestic in the midst of the far reaching rumors he will not return to Denver following season, agreeing to Trade Cave.

Wilson and his spouse Ciara paid $25 million for the domestic back in April of 2022 after he was exchanged to the Broncos from the Seattle Seahawks.


At the time the buy had set the record for the foremost expensive domestic deal within the Denver region which had already been $16 million.

The domestic is 20,000-square-foot domestic on 5 sections of land has four rooms and 12 lavatories to go along side his-and-hers walk-in closets, workplaces and washroom suites according to a past posting for the property.


There’s too a 2,590-square-foot indoor swimming pool, a ball court and a visitor flat with its possess kitchen on the property as well.

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