July 6, 2024

We do not know in the event that he’ll play 1B. We do not know on the off chance that he’ll play LF. We know he’ll likely DH, but as it were in case the hamstring and foot wounds that have tormented him the final two seasons die down.


What we do know – and what Major Alliance Baseball’s discretion prepare knows – is that he was the 2021 National Association Rookie of the Year, and was so deservingly. For all the second thoughts around what he’s not been the final two a long time, we all know that in his to begin with season, when he was genuinely sound, he hit the snot out of the ball en course to a ~4 WAR season and took domestic a few equipment, equipment that intervention values retroactively much moreso than the projections from MLB groups frequently prompt.


On Friday, India and the Reds settled their progressing compensation debate, dodging assertion by concurring to a two-year contract that will ensure him a few $8.8 million over the following two seasons. There’s the potential for him to gain a few $2.05 million in rewards amid the 2023 season ought to playing time and generation go his way, as MLB.com’s Stamp Sheldon transferred in a more point by point breakdown of his bargain. On the off chance that so, that would go as distant as to permit him to gain viably as much in 2024 than he will amid his 2025 season that’s as of now on the books

On the one hand, it appears like a bit of settling on India’s portion. He at first recorded for $4 million from the Reds in 2024 whereas the group countered at $3.2 million, and he didn’t let that go to the real assertion hearing. On beat of that, whereas the $2.05 million in reward potential is decent, in the event that he exceeds expectations the way he did when he was final solid he’s as of now bolted in a net-neutral raise for the 2025 season – something the discretion prepare, particularly for previous NL ROY champs, is effectively organized to anticipate.


It’s ensured cash, in spite of the fact that, and maybe he’s as of now conceded that there are accurately the kind of more youthful, cheaper alternatives on the program and within the cultivate who may consider him excess some time recently he might indeed get a ensure for 2025 at all.


For the Reds, in spite of the fact that, it appears to be however another move for them that builds up taken a toll certainty. They presently know precisely what he’s on the books for both in 2024 and 2025, brief of a generally marginal set of rewards, which makes him both a settled piece of the finance and a more concrete exchange chip when those unavoidable discourses emerge.

And, who knows? Perhaps he takes to the corner OF and runs with it, or figures out how to hit LHP superior than he ever has and disposes of his notoriety as a invert unit part righty. Possibly, fair possibly, he remains sound and the cards drop in his favor, and he gets standard time at 2B and appears that he can (and has) progressed there protectively. It’s not like he played there a ton collegiately or in his minor alliance days, besides.


What I will say is that I do not think the Reds marking Jonathan India for two-years rather than fair one is an sign that they are more committed to him long-term than they were some time recently the bargain. On the off chance that anything, I think it sets his price in stone, which might really make him more moveable when the time comes.

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